Monday, November 7, 2011

Tips for Using Deer Grunts and Calls

There is a myth among hunters that deer only grunt or snort during the rut. This is a fallacy that needs to be put to rest right now. Both males and females have been recorded making these sounds all year round. It is true, however, that grunting and snorting activity intensifies with the onset of the rutting season, when bucks are aggressive and does are looking to reproduce.
There are several different sounds that a hunter can put into his or her repertoire for successful hunting.  Each one has its own uses and times that it will be effective. What follows is a list of the calls and grunts that are available, when they can be used and what effect you can expect.
The fawn bleat is one that is extremely effective for bringing females into range. The fawn bleat is designed to imitate a fawn, or baby deer, in distress. The sound triggers the motherly instincts in does that are within earshot. They will respond out of sheer instinct and protest the troubled young one. The fawn bleat is obviously best used within a couple of months after the birthing season.
The buck grunt is mainly used by male deer as a warning to other males that this is their area and to stay away. During the rut, a grunt may trigger a dominant male to come in looking to defend his territory. A grunt is known to be effective and gas been shown in testing to draw a buck in within 45 seconds to a minute and a half.
Another rutting sound is the snort and wheeze, which most hunters have never heard in the wild. This is another intimidation sound used by males during the rut. If the buck is dominant or feels threatened in any way, he will charge in out of simple anger and throw caution to the wind in the interest of preserving his area and remaining the alpha male.
In the early rut, an estrous doe bleat can draw a buck in very nicely. The estrous bleat tells a dominant male that the female is there and looking to mate. The male will respond to this call and come in to make her acquaintance. Most times, if you are positioned right, you can get a shot within 20 yards or less, which is perfect for archery hunters and a dream come true for firearms hunters.
Using grunts can be even more effective in conjunction with other calling techniques like rattling. It is also possible to use two different calls in conjunction, like a grunt followed by a snort & wheeze. All you have to do to use deer grunts and calls effectively is scout the area before the hunt and know the area as well as you can prior to the hunt.
The use of deer calls like grunts and wheezes and bleats has the potential of shortening your hunting day significantly. Instead of sitting in a stand or blind for hours, you could bring the trophy buck of your dreams into bow range in less than half that time. Not to put you in a rush or hurry, but you can fill your freezer with more meat this winter using deer grunts.

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